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About IQAC

The IQAC of Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, work tirelessly to initiate quality policy, in keeping with the vision and mission of the college, to impart quality education to empower students with wisdom, well rooted in rich tradition and culture. IQAC also focus on invoking the students and make them pioneers in new avenues of learning and research and enabling them to participate in nation building through sustainable and collaborative efforts of management, faculty and parents and emerge as an institution in pursuit of excellence.


The IQAC of DDGDVC was introduced as a quality assurance measure as per NAAC recommendation for instituting quality policy for the institution. We at IQAC, integrate with the all the departments of the institution to help attain their goals of quality improvement and sustenance. To execute its action plan for quality education, IQAC aspires at student performance and evaluation, faculty development and empowerment, and provide an inclusive structure to guide non- teaching staffs to enhance their work processes. Here, IQAC is a system that ensures consistent, conscious, and catalytic improvement in the academic, non-academic, and overall performance of this institution. To achieve this, IQAC has devoted all its efforts and measures towards promoting holistic academic excellence.


IQAC also facilitate and participate with faculty members to come up with the best teaching methods, it can drive quality enhancement through innovative strategies that eliminate discrepancies and improve the teaching-learning quality. IQAC also provide necessary guidelines to motivate the institution to focus on research & development and addresses the challenges often encountered by the institutions on cultivating research culture. Ultimately, IQAC at DDGDVC helps to evolve a system by offering a platform to students and institution to inculcate global standard in education.

Role of IQAC

  • Developing a quality culture in the college by conducting various induction and development programmes both at inter and intra-institutional level to impart quality education.

  • Frame, review and revise the administrative and academic policies in tune with the requirement of the educational bodies.

  • Monitor the effectiveness of working of various bodies/Cells/Committees within the institution.

  • Collect feedback from stakeholders for performance assessment and workflow transparency in order to provide a strong foundation for better decision-making and smooth institutional functioning.

  • Make initiative to provide financial support and aid for both faculties and students to enhance the prospects of their learning and career.

  • Conduct the Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) for constant improvement and progress of various departments.

  • Maintaining institutional database using E-Governance to enhance the overall performance and smooth functioning.

  • Preparing the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) according to the NAAC guidelines and parameters and submitting it to the committee.

  • Ensure the Participation of the institution in various Accreditations and Rankings, both at national and global level.

  • Takes initiative for disseminating the information regarding developed benchmarks and parameters.

  • Support faculty members to adopt technology tools to promote a participatory teaching-learning process.

  • Act as a nodal agency, coordinating all quality-related tasks and areas, such as adhering to the best practices

  • Collects feedback from students, parents, and other stakeholders regarding quality-related processes in institutions


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