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To be conscious of and work towards Quality; a defining element in the qualitative expansion of contemporary Indian higher education.


  • To work with the realization that Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s), are “the most direct agents of change and advocates of improvement.”
  • To “redefine and revise college curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment policies” and ensure all students acquire 21th century knowledge skills, attributes, and competencies.
  •  To set high standards in higher education, as per the guiding principles of the UGC Quality Mandate and the New Education Policy 2020.

About The Office of The Controller of Examinations

The Office of the Controller of Examinations was set up in accordance with the UGC Regulations for Autonomous Institutions, on 1st June 2009, after the institution was declared ‘Autonomous.’ The Examinations Office operates within the prescribed parameters of the University of Madras in matters pertaining to minimum course requirements leading to undergraduate, postgraduate, M.Phil and Ph.D. programs and also the semester-based Choice based Credit System, (CBCS),  Cumulative Grade Point Average, (CGPA),  and the ten-point Grading scale, due to the institutional’s affiliation with the University.

The ‘autonomous’ status permits the institution a considerable degree of flexibility in enriching and modernizing the curriculum and syllabus, pedagogical tools and techniques,  breaking the tight boundaries between disciplines, introduction of add- on courses, increasing the number of Generic and Discipline Specific Electives, and most importantly,  evaluation reforms. Autonomy allows the institution and in turn the Examinations Office to rethink and reframe the pattern and testing methodology, set rubrics, introduce new norms, for qualitative change, and to raise the overall standards to help the student community to face the 21st century challenges.

Currently, the Examinations office employs 18 staff members besides three faculty members who are the office bearers of the COE.  The office comprises five sections each having specific objectives and duties.  However, the concerted efforts of all five sections are invariably required for the conduct of Examinations, Valuation and the publication of results. The office is housed in the second and third floors of the Main Administrative building.

  • Confidential Section: All Department regulations are filed and maintained in this section. List of subjects along with subject codes are compiled three months prior to the examinations. Communication is sent to the External Examiners much in advance for Question paper setting. Examination time table is also finalized by this section besides organizing the Board of Studies and Academic Council meetings.
  • Records Maintenance and Verification Section:  Hard copies of student academic records are maintained by this section staff who manually enter the list of subjects of each student. These records are hard bound registers and the archives are stored in the basement. The office maintains student records since 2009. The section staff physically verify student data based on the records. The team also coordinates the Central Valuation camp and the Results Passing Board.
  • Software Program and Data Entry Section:   The section staff maintain soft copies of student data, right from entry level until completion of the course and the Provisional Pass Register, (PPR), is sent to the University of Madras. This section has to work along with an external partnering software agency, (outsourced since 2012), for all software applications and automation.
  • Finance Section:  Honorarium and remuneration for all academic activities and examination-related services are handled by this section. They coordinate the Finance Committee and the Annual Graduation Day.
  • Student Enquiry and Grievance Section: Current and prior batch students submit their requests/applications/queries at Counter 7,  in the ground floor, Main Administrative building. During the pandemic and lockdown, requests were forwarded via email. The staff at the counter files the requests and coordinates with the respective sections to address and resolve issues.

Office Bearers

Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo

Chief Controller

Dr. Prabha Rajagopalan

Controller of Examinations

Dr. R. Uma

Deputy Controller

Mr. P. Thirumal

Additional Deputy Controller

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