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Functions of the Office of the Controller of Examinations

Functions of the Office of the Controller of Examinations

  • Conduct of Odd (November) and Even (April) Semester Examinations
    The Examinations Office schedules the term end semester examinations twice a year. The time table is uploaded on the college website. Prior batch students, (from 2009) and having arrears are eligible to pay the Examination fees and appear for the semester examinations along with the current batches. Practicals, Viva Voce, Part IV courses are all conducted internally by the Departments. The theory examinations are conducted in a centralized manner by the Examinations Office.
    The online fee portal is activated prior to the commencement of the examinations. Results of those students who have not paid the Examination or College tuition fees are not displayed on the college portal. Seating arrangements are automated and students receive an sms regarding room and seat numbers.
    The Examinations Office appoints a Chief Superintendent and an Additional Superintendent of examinations who in turn are assisted by a six-member team. The Examination duties are allotted to the respective streams, Commerce, Science, Arts, on a rotation basis. A squad Convenor along with a team of squad members are appointed for going on rounds and reporting malpractice. The Malpractice Committee decides on the course of action regarding students indulging in malpractice.
  • Question Paper Setting
    The Examinations Office communicates with the External Examiners who are on the approved panel for Question paper setting. All instructions are sent to the Examiners including syllabus mapping form to ensure unit/module-wise distribution and to ensure the question paper adheres to the Departmental regulations. Question paper Scrutiny/Review is conducted by each department to ensure there are no typographical errors or oversights and it has been framed as per department guidelines. The Head of the Department along with an External and senior most Internal faculty member conducts the Scrutiny.
  • Conduct of Central Valuation
    The answer scripts are handed over by the Invigilators to the Examinations Office. The COE staff segregate the answer scripts course-wise and hand them over to the Examiners for evaluation. Until November 2018, the scripts were evaluated by the External and Internal Examiners. Student details entered on the main page of answer booklet is removed before handing over to the Examiners. Dummy numbering is maintained for objectivity and an impartial evaluation. The variation in marks between the External and Internal examiner is highlighted by the software and a third examiner is appointed to assess the answer script.
  • Single Valuation

Single Valuation was introduced from November 2018 onwards and the Internal Valuation Monitoring Committee, (IVMC), appointed for checking any totaling errors, inconsistencies and oversights. The marks awarded by the External Examiner out of 100 are entered into the software which automatically converts the marks to 60. The consolidated Internal marks out of 40 awarded by the respective subject teacher is also entered. The COE staff check both Internal and External marks awarded manually and the records are kept ready for the Results Passing Board. A Camp and Additional Camp officer are appointed by the Examinations Office to conduct the two central valuation. All student and faculty grievances relating to the examinations are routed through them. They are the point of contact for all Examiners.

  • Results Passing Board meetings
    The Head of the Department along with an External and Internal faculty member preside over the Results Passing Board to look into the results, ensure grievance(s), if any,have been resolved. In some cases, they discuss the necessity of awarding moderation marks, if required only and sign the respective department register for the official declaration of the semester results.
  • Photocopy of Answer Scripts & Revaluation
    Once results are declared, the candidates can apply for photocopies of their answer scripts and for Revaluation. Photocopying was introduced in 2019, for transparency in the valuation. Revaluation of answer scripts is given to examiners who were not part of the Valuation for objectivity and fair assessment.
  • Instant Examinations
    Sixth semester undergraduate students and fourth semester post graduate students having only one arrear in any semester can appear for the Instant Examinations conducted in July every year.
  • Provisional Pass Register (PPR)
    The relevant data of the outgoing batches is forwarded to the University of Madras in a CD as well as entered in the UoM online portal within the deadline in order to avoid penalty. The Provisional certificate is issued by the University of Madras, the soft copies are uploaded on their portal. The Degree certificates are released only after the University of Madras completes its Graduation. The Degree certificates of the candidates who have passed during their first attempt are handed over during the Graduation Day ceremony. Arrear candidates have to contact the student counter for their certificates.
  • Exemption Certificate for Students with Special Needs
    The Examinations Office coordinates with the University of Madras for obtaining the Exemption certificate for students with special needs.
  • Graduation Day
    The Examinations Office takes immense pride in organizing the Annual Graduation ceremony mostly during late January or early February, only after the University of Madras completes its Convocation. The COE staff members along with the Convocation Committee conduct the Graduation Day for the award of degrees to the successful candidates.
  • Conduct of Board of Studies, Academic Council, Finance Committee and Governing Body Meetings
    The Examinations Office coordinates the Board of Studies, Academic Council, Finance Committee and Governing Body meetings, the four-tired administrative apparatus based on the UGC guiding principles for autonomous institutions.
    The Examinations Office issues common guidelines/ regulations for the conduct of Board of Studies meetings of all the departments. The list of University nominees for constituting the Board of Studies is maintained by the Examinations Office and communicates with the University of Madras when the tenure of a University nominee expires.
  • Online Document Verification
    Document/Certificate verification is outsourced to Docswallet, the portal is on the college website.
  • Addressing former and current students queries/grievances
    Academic records of students since 2009 are maintained by the Examinations Office. Students can email the Examinations Office or submit their queries across counter 7. Students immigrating or applying in institutions abroad request for Transcripts to be sent to the immigration agencies which is done in strict confidentiality by the office.
  • Coordination with IQAC and Academic Deans
    The Examinations Office has to meet the IQAC members periodically to track and review qualitative growth of the teaching/learning and assessment practices of the institution. It collaborates with the IQAC for convening Faculty development programmes in areas which are the need of the hour. The Office can also review and reframe existing norms and regulations depending on changing socio-economic factors.
  • Online Examinations – global pandemic and lockdown
    Since the global pandemic Covid 19 and lockdown in late March 2020, Theory and Viva Voce examinations were conducted Online via service provider platforms. All existing examination procedures had to be revised as a result. So far, April 2020, November 2020 and April 2021 End semester examinations have been conducted online.

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