The college library started functioning from the year 1964. The management in order to accommodate the latest developments and future needs, decided to house the library in a separate building with state-of-the art facilities in the year 1990. The library building was named as Shri Subodhni Library Block. The library is spacious, well lit and ventilated. The library preserves and provides access to a rich, diverse collection of knowledge, to inform, inspire and engage students and staff and help them in achieving their goals. It provides information services, reference services, and reprographic services. The library is equipped with all modern facilities on par with international standards and provides a user friendly atmosphere. Library supports the curriculum and research needs of all the departments by providing Books, Journals, Magazines, e-books, and online databases like INFLIBNET: N-LIST, DELNET, EBSCO and access to NDLI.
DDGDVC Library Virtual Tour
To Know Your Library Scan Me
Your Reading Our Success
- To develop, organize, provide access to resources and preserve materials to meet the needs of present and future generations of users.
- To create opportunities for learning, to retrieve the hidden to explore new possibilities to innovate and to create.
- To explore and implement innovative technologies and services to deliver information and scholarly resources to users anytime/anyplace.
- To provide well-equipped and functional physical spaces where students can pursue independent learning and discover outside the classroom.
- To advance research, create new ideas and perspectives.
- To assist people to gain information and knowledge, to enhance the teaching and research strategies.
- Promote intellectual growth and creativity by developing resources and facilitating access to information.
- Provide a congenial atmosphere for effective use of the resources.
- To build a repository of knowledge created in the past, present and hand over to the future generations.
- To select, acquire, organize, maintain and enable access to the latest collection of printed and digital, materials that will support the knowledge sharing and research initiatives of the institution.
- Providing personal assistance in accessing research articles and other reference materials by creating awareness of various resources in the library.
- Provide an environment conducive for optimum utilization of the library resources.
- Provide a suitable schedule of hours of service and professional assistance.
- Accessibility
- Innovativeness
- Integrity
- Professionalism
- Sustainability
- Academic and Research Connect Platform Service
- Ask the Librarian
- Career Guidance Display
- Circulation Service
- Citation Analysis
- Current Awareness Service (CAS)
- Document Delivery Service
- Institutional Repository
- Inter Library Loan Service
- Internet Service
- Newspaper-clippings
- Online Access to E-resources
- OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- Plagiarism Checking Service
- Question Bank
- Reference
- Reprographic Service
- Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
- User Orientation / Information literacy
- Acquisition Section
- Technical Processing Section
- Circulation Section
- Periodical Section
- Braille Section
- Stack Section
- Reference Section
- Language Section
- Thesis Section
- Back Volume Section
- Digital Learning Centre
- Media Centre
Floor Plan
Ground Floor
- Power Room
- UPS Room
- E-Gate
- Property Counter
- Circulation Desk
- Periodical Section
- Reading Room
- Braille Section
- CDs / DVDs Collection
- Reprographic Service
- Record Room
- Librarian Cabin
- Technical Processing Section
First Floor
- Stack Section
- Reading Room
- Store Room
First Floor Annexe
- Digital Learning Centre
- Media Centre
- UPS Room
Second Floor
- Language Section
- Reference Section
- Competitive Exams Collection
- Back Volume Section
- DGVC Publications
- DGVC Faculty Publications
- Rare Books
- Dissertation /Thesis /Project Section
- Reading Room
- Store Room
Library Map
Library Details
Total Area |
16,150 sq.ft. |
Total No. of Seating Capacity |
239 |
Total No. of Volumes |
105810 |
Total No. of Titles |
64495 |
Total No. of National Journals |
41 |
Total No. of International Journals |
16 |
Total No. of Magazines |
63 |
Total No. of Newspapers |
19 |
Total No. of CD’s/DVD’s |
694 |
Total No. of Dissertation /Thesis/Projects |
1115 |
Total No. of Back Volumes |
1872 |
Total No. of Rare Books |
395 |
Total No. of Databases |
04 (N-List, DELNET, EBSCO, Pearson) |
Total No. of E-Books |
80 (Subscribed) + 107 = 187 |
Total No. of Library Staff |
09 |
Library Blog |
https://ddgdvclibrary.blogspot.com/ |
Library Website Link |
Library Site |
Linktree |
Library YouTube |
Library E-mail ID |
[email protected] |
Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) |
AUTOLIB Manual |
Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS) |
DrillBit |
*As on Date 01.07.2024
Library Rules and Regulations
- Silence to be observed inside the library.
- The library will remain open on all days except Sundays and government holidays.
- Working hours of the Library
08.00 a.m. to 07.00 p.m. [Without Break] during college working days.
10.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m. during Vacation and Examinations.
09.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. Transaction hours.
10.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. Digital Learning and Media Centre.
09.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. Reference Section.
08.30 a.m. to 06.30 p.m. Periodical Section.
- All personal belongings (bags, books, notebooks, etc.) should not be brought inside the library.
- Cut sheets for note taking will be provided by the library.
- The library premises is under CCTV surveillance.
- Issued books are not allowed inside the library.
- Use of mobile phones and audio devices strictly prohibited in the library.
- Staff and Students will not be permitted to enter the library without ID cards.
- Staff and Students should produce their ID card to borrow books.
- Staff and Students should scan their ID card at the E-Gate Entry Point both while entering/leaving the library.
- First Year UG/PG Students should register their names by producing the college ID card to enroll as members of the library.
- A minimum of 3 books and a maximum of 5 books will be issued to the teaching staff in a semester.
- Only 3 books will be issued to Non-teaching staff in a semester.
- Only 2 books will be issued to UG students for 15 days and one Renewal permitted for another 15 days. A fine of Re. 1/- per day will be charged if a book is kept beyond the due date.
- Only 3 books will be issued to PG students / M.Phil., and Ph.D. Scholars for 15 days and one Renewal permitted for another 15 days. A fine of Re. 1/- per day will be charged if the book is kept beyond the due date.
- Exchange of library books among staff/ students should be avoided.
- Loss of library book(s) / ID card should be immediately reported to the Librarian.
- Library books are to be used with utmost care and to be returned without any damage. If the staff/student loses or damages the library book(s) he/she will have to replace the book(s) or pay triple the cost of the book(s).
- Journals, Magazines, Thesis, Project Reports, Reference Books, CDs / DVD’s and Newspapers are for reference purposes and cannot be borrowed.
- “No-dues certificate” will be issued at the time of leaving the institute only on return of all the books borrowed and payment of overdue charges, if any.
- The Librarian has the authority to call back any book for return, at any time even before the due date.
- Any kind of violation of / failure to comply with rules and /or indulgence in fraudulent activities will result in the suspension of library privileges and/or withdrawal of membership.
- The library will not be held responsible for any kind of loss/damage of personal belongings.
- Donations of useful manuscripts, books are acceptable.
Digital Learning Centre
Rules and Regulations
- Frequent the Digital Learning Centre to avail and make use of the immense database resources available for free unlimited downloads.
- Sign in the “Digital Learning Centre Gate Entry Register” kept for staff/students.
- Respect fellow users and handle all equipment in the Digital Learning Centre, with care.
- Do save your work after downloading files:
My Computer --> Local Disk D or send the files to your E-Mail ID.
- Shut down the computers while leaving.
- Do not talk unnecessarily with other students
- Do not touch, attempt to repair, open, tamper or interface with computers, cabling, air-conditioners or other equipment in the Digital Learning Centre
- Do not change the setting arrangements or install/uninstall any programs without permission.
- Do not log on to social networks /websites
- Do not indulge in any kind of deviant behaviour in the Digital Learning Centre
- Do not use Pen drives and other external drivers inside the centre
Department Libraries
The main library supports the Research and PG departments by providing books to the department libraries.
Department Library Rules
- At the time of transferring the books from the main library to the department libraries, Heads of the departments are requested to sign the department library book transfer register at the main library and affix the seal.
- Once the process of accession is completed and the books are handed over to the department, the care and maintenance of the books become the sole responsibility of the Heads and staff of the department.
- Any kind of loss or damage to the books, to be reported to the librarian immediately and the cost of replacement to be taken care of by the Head and the faculty of the respective departments.
- None of the books can be withdrawn without the knowledge of the principal and it has to be forwarded through the librarian.
- The departments are requested to maintain the book issue and return entry register and keep a record in a proper manner.
- The barcode for the library books will be provided only for the main library.
- The main library is the authority to assign accession numbers to the books transferred to the department library, it should not be modified.
- Apart from the books transferred from the main library, never add any other new books to the department library. If you want follow the library procedures to add the books.
- Any issues or clarifications that occur, pertaining to maintenance of the department library may be brought to the notice of the library staff at the earliest.
- Stock verification would be conducted at the end of every academic year.
About NDLI
National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a virtual repository of learning resources that is not just a repository with search/browse facilities but provides a host of services for the learner community. It is sponsored and mentored by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, through its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT). Filtered and federated searching is employed to facilitate focused searching so that learners can find the right resource with the least effort and in minimum time. NDLI provides user group-specific services such as Examination Preparatory for School and College students and job aspirants. Services for Researchers and general learners are also provided. NDLI is designed to hold the content of any language and provides interface support for the 10 most widely used Indian languages. It is built to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular forms of access devices, and differently-abled learners. It is designed to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources. It is developed, operated, and maintained by the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
NDLI Registration: https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/account/registration
National Digital Library of India Club (NDLI Club) is an enabler of career progression for students, job seekers, researchers, and learners. NDLI Clubs are set up in institutes and nodal bodies, and these Clubs conduct events to facilitate students to develop knowledge, skill, and traits beyond the regular curriculum which are essential for their progression in the respective professional domain. The events may be either physical or virtual. Virtual events are web-based and are conducted through the NDLI Club portal. The events are organized at the respective institute level or city/district/state/regional level or all-India level.
NDLI and NDLI Club are services that are not just for some, but for all of India to learn, share, grow and democratize education in the country.
NDLI Club Activities
- NDLI Lecture Series
- NDLI Quiz
- NDLI Writing
- NDLI Speaking
- NDLI Story Talk
- NDLI Whatsapp Group Activity
NDLI CLUB Registration Certificate
DDGDVC NDLI Club Office Bearers - Click Here
DDGDVC NDLI Club Reports
- Academic Year 2021 - 2022 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2022 - 2023 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2023 - 2024 - Click Here
Subscribed Databases
National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N - LIST)
Developing Library Network (DELNET)
EBSCOhost Research Platform
Pearson E-Library: E-Books
Systematic Downloading of e-resources is Strictly Prohibited.
Useful Links
Recourses |
Hyperlink |
e-PG Pathshala | http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in |
Vidya-Mitra | https://vidyamitra.inflibnet.ac.in |
Tamil Digital Library | https://www.tamildigitallibrary.in |
Tamil Virtual Academy | http://www.tamilvu.org |
DOAJ | https://doaj.org |
Youth4work | https://www.youth4work.com/onlinetalenttest |
Virtual Labs | https://www.vlab.co.in |
Talk to Teacher | http://aview.in |
Spoken Tutorial | https://spoken-tutorial.org |
E-Yantra | https://www.e-yantra.org |
FOSSEE | https://fossee.in |
VidyaDaan | https://vdn.diksha.gov.in/ |
COPE | https://publicationethics.org/ |
Cofactor Science | https://cofactorscience.com/ |
SHERPA/RoMEO | https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/ |
Indian Academy of Sciences | https://www.ias.ac.in/Journals/Overview/ |
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
Recourses |
Hyperlink |
Swayam | https://swayam.gov.in |
NPTEL | https://nptel.ac.in |
Coursera | https://www.coursera.org |
Edx | https://www.edx.org |
Khanacademy | https://www.khanacademy.org |
Academic Earth | https://academicearth.org |
Open2study | https://www.open2study.com |
Academic and Research Connect Platforms
Recourses | Hyperlink |
Google Scholar | https://scholar.google.com |
ResearchGate | https://www.researchgate.net |
ORCID iD | https://orcid.org |
Scopus Author Id | https://www.scopus.com |
Vidwan Expert ID | https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in |
Publons | https://publons.com |
Academia | https://www.academia.edu |
Microsoft Academic ID | https://academic.microsoft.com |
Semantic Scholar | https://www.semanticscholar.org |
Mendeley | https://www.mendeley.com |
National Digital Library | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in |
UGC-CARE List Journal | https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in |
Indian Citation Index | http://www.indiancitationindex.com/ |
Urkund Plagiarism Checker | https://secure.urkund.com/account/auth/login |
https://in.linkedin.com |
Electronic Thesis and Dissertations
Recourses |
Hyperlink |
NDLTD | http://search.ndltd.org |
DART Europe E-theses Portal | https://www.dart-europe.org |
Shodhganga | https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in |
Open Access Directory
Recourses | Hyperlink |
GOI Web Directory | http://goidirectory.nic.in |
INFLIBNET | https://www.inflibnet.ac.in/universitydirectory |
The Library Advisory Committee consists of internal and external members. The Committee Representatives are Library Science Professionals, Subject Experts, and Students from various Streams. The Principal will be the Chairperson and one of the Members will be the Cochairperson and the Librarian will be the Convener of the Committee.
Role of the Library Advisory Committee:
- The Functions of the Library Advisory Committee is to support the functioning of the Library so that it can facilitate the Library development plans by advocating the Library Development activities with the Management.
- To provide advice to the Librarian on Policies, Strategies, and Priorities in the Context of College Development Policies.
- To provide guidelines to the Librarian on the allocation of funds to the Departments and execute the Collection Development Policies and enhance the collection according to the needs of the user community.
- To act as a facilitator to connect the Library and the users to enable more visibility and awareness of the resources available in the Library to increase the usage of the resources.
- To provide guidance on the latest technological development so as to enhance the services to the user community by providing remote access to information.
- To convene a meeting once in an academic year (either online/offline) and provide guidance to improve the library facilities and record the minutes of the meeting.
- To facilitate the library in organising FDP, SDP, PDP, Conference, Seminars, and Workshops, etc.,
- To provide guidelines for promoting ethical values through outreach programmes and assist in getting funds from other funding agencies.
- To assist in initiating the process of starting the Department of Library and Information Science by offering C.Lib.I.Sc., B.Lib.I.Sc., M.Lib.I.Sc., and Research Programmes.
- To suggest the implementation of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) & 5s techniques.
Library Advisory Committee (LAC) Members
- Academic Year 2020 - 2021 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2021 - 2022 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2022 - 2023 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2023 - 2024 - Click Here
Institutional Membership & MOU
Institutional Membership
- SALIS (Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science)

- DELNET - Developing Library Network

- DDGDVC Library & SALIS (Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science) - View Document
Earn While You Learn (EWYL) Scheme
The Earn While You Learn Scheme was introduced to help the students of our college who are in need to support their financial needs. The Head of the Department will identify the needy students and forward their application form to the Library Advisory Committee for scrutinization. The short listed students will be selected after a one to one interview by the committee. The Librarian will allocate work, monitor and an attendance register will be maintained and the same will be sent to the Administrative office for payment process. At the end of every academic year a certificate will be given to the students.
EWYL Scheme Beneficiaries
- Academic Year 2022 - 2023 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2023 - 2024 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2024 - 2025 - Click Here
Newsletter - LIB CONNECT
- January - December 2021 - Click Here
- January - December 2022 - Click Here
- January - December 2023 - Click Here
Press Clippings
- Academic Year 2020 - 2021 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2021 - 2022 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2022 - 2023 - Click Here
- Academic Year 2023 - 2024 - Click Here
Previous Year Question Papers
Press Clippings
- Library Profile - Click Here to Download
- How to Use N-LIST E-Resources - DDGDVC Library - Click Here to Download
- How to Use EBSCO Mobile App - Click Here to Download
- How to Register at NDLI & DDGDVC NDLI CLUB - Click Here to Download
- Library Membership Form - Staff - Click Here to Download
- Library Membership Form - M.Phil & Ph.D Scholar - Click Here to Download
- Library Book Suggestion Form - Click Here to Download
- Library Periodical Suggestion Form - Click Here to Download
Ask Your Librarian
User Feedback Form
To Send your Valuable Feedback - Click Here
Name : Dr.M.Mani
Designation : Librarian
College Address : Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College
Gokul Bagh, #833, E. V. R. Periyar Salai,
Chennai 600106.
E-Mail ID : [email protected]