News Letter
Department Activities
With the blessing of lord Krishna, The Department of Hindi Evening college was started in the year 1970.. with the aims of providing a excellent knowledge of language and Hindi literature. In 2009 the college has attained autonomous status which helped the department to develop because of new courses and increasing the section of many courses. Technical and job oriented training is also a part of academics which help the students to study Hindi language with interest. The department has also introduced specialization in the 3rd and 4th semester. Students every year take part in various cultural and extracurricular activities and win many prizes and bring laurels to the department and to the college. At present time 650 students are studying Hindi as a second language in our college. Commerce group like B.com, BBA, BBM, B. com(A&F), BCA, B.com(hons) having first and second semester and B.sc group , Art group and B.com.(CS) are having four semester language. At present time six highly qualified, experienced, knowledgeable and subject expert faculties are working honestly in Department of Hindi shift -II
We have a well furnished Department including a cabin for Head of Department. One set computer with printer is availabel in the department . College has provided four chair and table to each staff. we have extra place for teaching to weak students.Mission
Our mission is to create transformative educational experiences for students focused on in-depth knowledge, Problem -solving abilities, Leadership skills and enterprising talents, our department of Hindi Shidt-II is committed to the sustainable power of liberal Arts and literature alongwith fluent language education. We are creating an international collaborative environment open to the free exchange of ideas where research, creativity, innovation and enterepreneurship flourish.Vision
Our vision is to impart value based quality academia, To empower students with wisdom and to instill rich Indian traditions and culture, to nurture self confidence ensure halisttic development and to broaden their vision towards nation building, communal harmony and universal brotherhood and to evolve into a university of International repute. we have a hindi typing system and shoft ware . we are preparing Que. and Ans.and notebook for helping the weak students . we are providing suficient notes to all students . the staff of department of Hindi shift Ii are providing his service in other all extra curiculam which has done by college.
Courses offered by the Department
Under Graduate
- Hindi- Foundation (For All Self Finance Programs)
News Letter
Issue 1 (2020 - 2021) - Click Here
Issue 1 (2021 - 2022) - Click Here
Issue 1 (2022 - 2023) Click Here
Department Activities
Department Activities - Click Here
Department Activities (2022-23) Click Here
Department Activities(2023-24)Click Here
Annual Planner(2022-23)Click Here
Annual Planner(2023-24)Click Here