About the Department
D.G. Vaishnav College dedicated to excellence in teaching and service to the students’ community offers Bachelor of Science in Physics with Computer Applications and Masters of Science in Physics. Located on the scenic campus of the D.G Vaishnav College, the Department of Physics started its post graduate course (M.Sc) in 2000. The Department today is well equipped to produce high quality post-graduates. The syllabus of the Department covers a number of areas like Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Physics, Solid State Physics, and Materials Science etc...Various alumni from this Department have been at the forefront of research organizations in the country and elsewhere. The Department of Physics with Computer Science, B.Sc (PCA) is the bridging block for the graduates to understand and orient themselves into two major courses namely Physics and Computer Science. It was started in the year 2010 and plays a vital role in inspiring the students to have a strong background in the basic science as well as Computers so as to produce competent professionals. The areas of study offered by this Department are English, Language, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Soft Skills, Value Education and Environmental Science which are essential for the students to enhance their ability to analyze and tackle challenges and communicate their ideas effectively. The faculty of Department of Physics are highly qualified and experienced with a rich profile in their respective fields. There are a good no. of Doctorates with research articles published at National and International levels The faculty has attended many workshops, conferences, seminars, symposiums, faculty development programmes and other training programmes which enhance their teaching capabilities in order to guide and teach their students better. The strength of the Department lies in its dedicated faculties, students and well equipped laboratories. In this new era, the Department of Physics aspires to become one of the most sought out Physics Department.
Offer high-quality and effective instruction education that is appropriate at graduate professional and postgraduate levels and make sure that the learning efficiency of the students increase providing them with opportunities to achieve their goals.
Provide a curriculum that prepares the students to become career-oriented professionals. Provide internships and other possible means to enhance their skills.
Teach students how to understand that science is a multifaceted, humanistic discipline capable of problem solving and also to use computers effectively, creatively, and intelligently to further their career.
Provide up-to-date curriculum in the technical and scientific knowledge needed for the professional and academic goals of our students. Teach students how to acquire new knowledge, independently, in a world that changes with ever increasing rapidity.
Encouraging the young graduates and post-graduates to pursue research. Provide students with opportunities to participate in experiential learning activities, make arrangements for interactions with Scientists by means of seminar, conferences.
Making the students knowledgeable with the latest state-of-the-art approaches and technologies via presentations, publications, and outreach.
- Impart quality education in Physics and motivate the PG students to become Scientists in reputed Research Organizations.
- Develop the capacity and know-how to apply principles/laws of Physics to solve problems. The ability to do and interpret the data obtained in experiments.
- Extend research facilities to students.
- To make the students effectively disseminate their knowledge in Physics.
- Educate students to be successful, ethical, effective problem-solvers and life-long learners.
- Apply the knowledge of Physics for sustainable development of the society.
- Provide in-depth understanding concepts of Physics increasing their efficiency, augmenting their knowledge. Proficiency in both theoretical and experimental Physics. To inculcate an aptitude for a research career in academia or industry. Develop academic and cultural talents to improve their capabilities to work as a team. Practical exposure to students by arranging Industrial visits and Educational tours to enhance students’ knowledge in basic and Applied Physics.
1. Educational trips Educational trips provide valuable educational opportunities apart from the classroom in the absence of text books and other tools in a new environment. The students will be able to connect on a more personal level and have the opportunity to have lively discussions in an informal setup. We, the Department of Physics (Shift II) provide Educational and EVS trips to the students to offer them an opportunity of experimental learning and study the implementation of ideas and theories gained from attending classes. Educational trips pave the way in educating the students in a practical and professional manner. Both the UG and PG students of the Department of Physics (Shift II) are being provided with the opportunity for the welfare of the students and few of them have been listed below: YEAR TYPE OF VISIT UG/PG PLACE 2019-2020 Industrial visit PG Kaynes Technology, Hebbal, Mysore, Karnataka, India. 2019-2020 Educational Field trip UG Birla Planetarium. 2019-2020 Environmental Science Field visit UG Micro composting site and Bio-mining work, Pallikaranai old dumpsite. 2017-2018 Industrial visit PG IGCAR, Kalpakkam.
2. Magazine Publication One of the best practices by the Department of Physics (Shift II) is the publishing of the Department magazine “Illuminate”. The magazine is being designed with a unique mission and vision which solely focuses on the main contents of the subject. This magazine portrays the concepts of physics through essays, poems, articles, some with the paintings made by the students, etc. The articles are authored by the students and reviewed by the teachers. This magazine has reached out to the young minds, showcased their literary skills, writing and designing skills which in turn enlightens their creativity and innovative ideas. “Illuminate” is a culmination of hard work and dedication of our students and staff members. Hence, this is one of the best healthy practices of the Physics Department (Shift II) which brings the willingness to share knowledge, concerns and special insights with fellow beings through the magazine.
3. Students Council The objective of the incorporation of Student Council is to develop leadership qualities among the students in organizing and indulging in various events in the Department which results in student’s welfare. The Student Council has the following levels of hierarchy: 1. President 2. Secretary 3. Vice president 4. Cultural secretary 5. Academics secretary 6. Women secretary 7. Sports secretary Each designation has their own responsibilities and commitments which thrives for the concern and welfare of the student community. The Student Council increases the communication levels through sharing their ideas and interests with the teachers and the Head of the Department in a proper channel. Thus, this Council ensures planning on student activity events, recognition of developing issues pertaining to students, and communication between faculty/staff and the student Council.
4. Star Struck Club Yet another strength of the Department of Physics (shift II) is the Star Struck Club. It is a club which has been structured by the students without any assistance from the staff members. The students of the Club coordinate among themselves and run the club activities by their creative thinking and communication skills. The various events conducted by the club are as follows. Event 1: Lecture “127 Years of Sahaism” Date & Time: 06 October 2020 & 11:00 AM IST Event 2: Lecture Series “Feynman Lectures” Date & Time: 26 October 2020 & 11:00 AM IST Students can develop their strengths like multitasking, organization skills, team building skills and leadership skills by participating in club activities. Association of students with clubs help in showcasing one’s domain interest and also balancing the gap between work and hobbies. Thus, this is considered to be a healthy practice of the Department.
5. Intra Department competition The Department of Physics (Shift II) organize various Intra Department competitions for the students every year besides the inter collegiate competition “Radiate”. Most of the students take part in these competitions which showcases their enthusiasm and team spirit. The students of both UG and PG were involved in various competitions like debate, sci-fi writing, quiz, working model, etc. To highlight one of these is the working model, where the students take part in it with full vigour and special interest. The students work in groups of two or three and bring the real working models using the concept of physics. When students are engaged in scientific modelling, they are able to notice patterns, develop and revise representations that become useful models to predict and explain. It also helps in motivating their scientific knowledge to move ahead, helping them to think out of box, which instigates them to know more about the nature of science. Healthy competition inspires students to bring out their best every time. When students compete among themselves within the Department, they will become more inquisitive, research independently, and learn to adopt themselves effectively. Thus, these competitions help in digging out the talents of the students and mould them to sustain in their career path progressively. Distinguished judges are being invited to assess the working models and competitions and to also help inspire the students with their motivational words. As a mark of appreciation, the students are awarded with prizes for such kind of various competitions. Hence, this endeavour also serves as a healthy practice by the Department of Physics (Shift II).
Seminar on “Nanomaterials and Its Applications – 15.09.2022
State Level Science Exhibition to Commemorate National Science Day – 14.02.2023
Industrial Visit to Kerala Electrical & Allied Engineering Private Limit, Ernakulam, Kerala – 18.02.2023
National Level Workshop on DFT Calculation and Nanomaterial Characterization Techniques – 24.02.2023
RADIATE 2023 – 28.02.2023
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