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Department of Statistics – Self-Financing

Department Activities
News Letter

About the Department

The department of statistics was stated in the year 2019 and which offers undergraduate degree program.


  • Graduates will be able to understand basic theoritical and applied principles of statistics with adequate preparation to pursue post graduation or enter the job force as an applied statistician.
  • Students will gain proficiency in using statisical software for data analysis. Graduates will be able to identify and articulate strategies for dealing ethical issues that may arise.


  • The mission of the department of statistics is to help students to develop their understanding skills,problem solving ability,and logical thinking.
  • We seek to improve the practice of statistcs through our teaching,service work,and intramural and extramural activities and events.


  • With fast technological advancements in area like Artificial Intelligent,the job market is looking for candidates with technical and data analytics skills.
  • Our aimis to provide quality education to our students practically and theoritically. In the upcoming years,some of the most renowned jobs will be occupied by statisticians.

Best Practices of the Department

  • Maintain the Attendance percentage of every students above 90.
  • Conduct the Parent teachers meet once in a semester.
  • Identify the weaker and slow learner before the Model exam and give the extra care them to get good marks in final exam.

Courses offered by the Department

Under Graduate
  • B.Sc., Statistics


Statistics Download


Time Table

Time Table Download

Workshop on 18-08-23


Workshop on 19-08-23


Guest lecture on 15-09-23


Skilled Traning Program on 06-10-23


World Statistics day on 20-10-23


Department Activities

Academic Activities

Academic Activity 2019-2020 Download
Academic Activity 2020-2021 Download
Academic Activity 2021-2022 Download
Academic Activity 2022-2023 Download

Annual Planner

Annual Planner 2020-2021 Download

Department Prospectus

Prospectus 23 -24 Download
News Letter


NewsLetter 2020-2021 Download
NewsLetter 2022-2023 Download


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