DDGDVC Srinath Fine Arts
Srinath Fine Arts is a club created to encourage students to actively participate in cultural activities of the college and create an environment to showcases their talents. The club also invites dignitaries from various walks of life to share their experiences and encourage the students to think about life goals and have a wider view of their aspirations.
To achieve 50%+ participation of students in cultural, fine arts, debates and other team building events organized by Srinath Fine Arts (SFA) from time to time.
SFA aims to organize events of all major festivals and international days specified by various bodies (Yoga Day, Women’s Day etc.) in every calendar year. SFA will engage students from various departments to participate and organize and co-ordinate the entire event. External speakers will be invited from time to time.
The objectives enshrined in the vision and mission of Srinath Fine Arts are as follows:
- Events to celebrate various Indian festivals of importance (regional and national)
- Events to celebrate various National and International Days – Republic Day, International Women’s Day, International Yoga Day, Independence Day etc.
- Inter and Intra College related events like College Day, Krishikara Utsav, Margazhi Utsav etc
- Maximize student participation in events.
- Invite reputed personalities from various walks of public life to share their experiences with students.

Ms Mandira Dutta MA (Eco), M.Phil,
Student Coordinators
Name of the Student Coordinator |
Designation |
Mayank Bhansali, MA (I Year) |
Student Coordinator |
Sailesh Ramesh, BA (III Year) |
Student Coordinator |
Sanjeevi, BA (III Year) |
Student Coordinator |
Club Regular Activities
Event Name |
Description |
Swatantra | Independence Day Celebration |
Chitra Katha | Musings Through Canvas - Painting Workshop and Interdepartmental Competition |
Utsav | Navarathri and Golu Celebrations |
Marghazhi Mahotsav | Music And Dance Festival |
Krishikara Utsav | Pongal Centric Music Festival |
Kamdhenu |
Visit to Goshala |
Annual Reports
Name of the Coordinator : Ms Mandira Dutta MA (Eco), M.Phil,
Designation : Convenor
College Address : Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College
Gokul Bagh, #833, E. V. R. Periyar Salai,
Chennai 600106.
E-Mail ID : [email protected]
Mobile :+91 98841 64708