About the Department
The Post graduate and Research Department of Economics. offers high quality higher education in Economics under one roof. The department offers the under-graduate programme i.e. B.A. in Economics and the Post- graduate Programme i.e. M.A. in Economics. As it is a research department both part time and full time Ph.D programmes are also offered by the department.
The department functions with the motive of instructing the students on the fundamental Economic theories, orienting them on the application of economic concepts to real world phenomenon and keeping them abreast of current economic affairs. . The department is endowed with highly qualified and committed teachers who take all efforts and adopt appropriate methods to transform the students into active learners, thinkers and scholars in Economics. The department has the uniqueness of doctrinating the students into the ocean of economics in a very simple, methodical, engaging and lively manner. This is done by providing them with myriad of activities like Guest Lectures, Panel discussions and Industrial visits in addition to the traditional chalk and talk method. In addition, the department also conducts Annual Intra departmental and Inter departmental events such as Farm Fest, Quest Economics, annual socio economic survey, endowment lectures, seminars, conferences, etc. Being one of the oldest departments, several legendary academicians have nurtured its growth from UG to PG and from M.Phil to Ph.D., thereby transforming the department into a full-fledged research department.
- To excel in both, the science and art of Economics education, social science research and analysis by empowering students with strong theoretical and practical knowledge.
- To educate students with the foundation principles of core and allied disciplines of Economics.
- To provide practical and creative skills for problem solving and optimizing decisions in the ever dynamic economic world.
- To inculcate strong personal, technical, analytical, entrepreneurial and leadership skills.
- To impart knowledge in lifelong learning, professional ethics and contribution to the society.
Best Practices of the Department
- The department turns many National and International sports players who require constant and regular practice and are not able to attend classes regularly into graduates with the commitment and extra effort of the faculty to deliver beyond the call of duty.
- The IQ curve of the students of the department is not bell shaped. To remove this skewness, remedial classes are conducted regularly for those with learning difficulty and their grades are improved.
- In order to ensure the attainment of the course outcomes for all the students, the course content for all the courses is delivered bilingually so that it reaches each and every student.
- The department reaches out to the less privileged community regularly by helping those who help us.
Courses offered by the Department
Under Graduate
- B.A Economics
Post Graduate
- M.A Economics
- M.Phil Economics
- Ph.D Economics
Economics Syllabus: 2024-2025 | Download |